Strong Staffing Solutions matches Ecuadorian talent with virtual positions in the United States. Your business can save up to 80% labor costs using our service. We are your best source to find high value low cost online labor. You can add great value to your company using our highest quality representatives. We live in Cuenca, Ecuador, where the social fabric is large extended families who care for their reputation. Family is everything to solid Ecuadorians. Cuenca is a medium size city where the cohesive family unit is structured in such a fashion where families stay together or within close proximity, often living in family apartment buildings with Grandparents and other family members. Family members young and old visit Grandparents throughout their day. Generally speaking Ecuadorians are happy, polite, people and not overly materialistic. If you are seeking a high powered sales person or cheap telemarketing bravado our service is not for you. Your candidate will not be the type to swim a river to live the American Dream. Most candidates love their families and country and will never leave Ecuador, even for a high powered job in the United States. They are already richer than many Americans in family relationships and a supportive interpersonal network. However, our candidates are driven with the desire to make their family proud through being productive and successful. Ecuadorians have a great sense of personal service without the poor attitude sometimes found in service positions in the United States. These high quality individuals take pride in their work while also putting high value on their families and their beloved national holidays.